By: Liz Bernardo

We just got back from a seven day trip to Hawaii, exploring Big Island and its local cuisine and lava rock formations. We stayed at the Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort, which had a nice stretch of beachfront and we totally loved it! Having grown up in the Philippines, we definitely missed the tropical weather. Now that we live in the San Francisco Bay Area, we don't get too many warm days even if it's summer time. For a change, it was definitely a treat not to be lugging around jackets and sweaters.

The most memorable part of this trip were these three things: our hike to see the majestic Akaka Falls, the thrilling doors-off helicopter ride we took with Paradise Helicopters to see the Kilauea Volcano and its lava flow, and last but not the least the manta ray night dive with Jack's Diving Locker, where we swam in 60-ft. deep open water at night to see the giant sea creatures called mantas. More stories to come on our destinations post!